All About Alex

A couple of weeks ago I interviewed Finn from the upcoming novel, Ignited. This is how I get to know my characters better, and I typically use the style of Andy Warhol’s Interview magazine from back in the 1980s. Now, it’s Alex, the love of Finn’s life turn!

So Alex, If you had to pick a theme song for “Ignited,” what would it be, and why should readers hit play on their preorder to groove along with your story?

If I had to pick a theme song for “Ignited,” it would definitely be “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga. The song speaks to me on a personal level, as I’ve recently come out of the closet and embraced my true self. Just like the lyrics say, I was born to be brave and to embrace who I am, no matter what society says. My journey in “Ignited” mirrors the message of the song—finding the courage to be authentically me, despite the challenges and doubts along the way.

If you could take a road trip with any three characters from “Ignited,” who would  you choose as your co-pilots?

Well Ian, If I could take a road trip with anyone from “Ignited,” it would definitely be Finn, the love of my life. There’s something about hitting the open road with him by my side that just feels right. Plus, I could use the quality time together to deepen our connection and perhaps have a few naughty adventures!

And of course, I couldn’t imagine a road trip without my sister, Willow. She’s not only my sister but also my best friend. Having her along would guarantee endless laughs, heartfelt conversations, and probably a few sibling squabbles along the way. But hey, that’s all part of the fun, right?

Last but not least, I’d have to invite Daniel. Not only is he an incredible friend, but he’s also an amazing cook. I can already picture us pulling over at scenic spots and Daniel whipping up some delicious meals for us to enjoy together. Who wouldn’t want to hit the road with such an awesome crew?

 Imagine you’re stranded on a deserted island with only one character from “Ignited” for company. Who would you want by your side, and why should readers preorder to discover the unlikely alliances formed in your novel?

If I found myself stranded on a deserted island from “Ignited,” there’s only one person I’d want by my side: Finn. Being alone with him, surrounded by nothing but the sound of the waves and the warmth of the sun, sounds like a dream come true. We could explore the island together, build a shelter, and spend our days just enjoying being together.

Just the thought of being alone with Finn fills me with excitement! I can imagine us watching the sunset together, holding hands as we talk about our hopes, dreams, and fears. And as the stars light up the night sky, we’d cuddle close, and do what we love doing best. You’ll have to read the book to know what that is. (wink)

Thanks for agreeing to this interview Alex! I know you’re busy with your many business interests, so I really appreciate you answering a few questions.

If I were being smart I’d keep my mouth shut. But since you twisted my arm I’ll answer your questions.

My big, audacious dream? Well, on the surface, it might seem like I want to rule the world of business. And sure, that’s part of it. I’ve always been driven to succeed, to climb the corporate ladder and make a name for myself. But if I’m being honest, there’s something even bigger driving me—a dream that goes beyond corner offices and boardrooms.

What I really want, more than anything, is to feel comfortable in my own skin. For so long, I’ve hidden behind a mask, afraid to let anyone see the real me. But now, thanks to Finn, I’m starting to shed that mask and embrace who I truly am. He’s shown me that love isn’t about hiding your flaws; it’s about celebrating your strengths and accepting your vulnerabilities.

So, yes, part of my dream is to conquer the business world. But more importantly, it’s about conquering my own insecurities and fears. With Finn by my side, I know I can achieve anything—both in business and in life. He’s not just part of my dream; he’s the heart and soul of it.

This is our last question. What prompted you to go on a gay cruise in the first place?

Why did I choose to go on the bear cruise? Well, let’s just say I had recently experienced a significant shift in my world—a change that left me seeking something I couldn’t quite name. And what better way to embark on a journey of self-discovery than on a gay cruise?

The allure of being surrounded by hot guys, free from the constraints of societal expectations, was too tempting to resist. It felt like an opportunity to explore a part of myself that I had long kept hidden, to embrace a side of me that yearned to break free.

So, I boarded the ship, eager to unravel the mysteries of my own desires and to discover what awaited me on the open sea. And what I found was beyond anything I could have imagined—a voyage of self-discovery, passion, and unexpected connections that would change the course of my life forever.

If you’re intrigued by the allure of the unknown and crave a journey that will keep you guessing until the very end, preorder “Ignited” now and prepare to set sail on an adventure you won’t soon forget. Reserve your copy today from your favorite retailer by clicking here.