Stroke of Genius- How I Create Electrifying Sex Scenes

I might have a thing for this model…

Let’s talk about sex…scenes. How do I turn up the heat on the page? Read on to find out.

Ever wondered what goes into writing those scenes that leave you hot under the collar? Today, I’m pulling back the curtain to give you a glimpse into my process for crafting steamy moments in my romance novels. 

When I first began writing fiction, I started out by writing short erotica stories under the name Enrique Cruz. At the time I was still working a dreadful day job as a dispatcher for a locksmith company. I wrote on the bus rides to and from work, on my lunch breaks, even in bars. You can only imagine what it was like writing sex scenes on a crowded bus full of people. But I was determined to make it as a writer, so I forced myself to get past the embarrassment and just did it. Save your money. The stories I wrote under the pen name Enrique Cruz were horrible. But they served the purpose of erotica: they were sexually stimulating with little regard to actual plotting and character development. 

Setting the Stage

For me, creating the perfect setting for a sex scene is essential. Whether it’s a moonlit beach, a cozy cabin, or a bustling cityscape, the location sets the mood and adds depth to the intimacy between my characters. And if they are well written, they further the romance in the most delicious ways possible.

For example, in my novella Making It Fierce, the main characters begin to have sex behind the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, under a magnolia tree. Yes, outdoor sex is fabulous, but normally most sex scenes begin and end in a bedroom. I had the MCs begin the sex outside as a means of showing how passionate they were feeling about each other, then they rushed home to the safety of Lucas’s apartment, and Elijah lost his virginity. 

Why is Elijah’s virginity so important? Read on to find out.

Character Chemistry

 But it’s not just about the setting—it’s about the chemistry between the characters. Before I even think about writing a sex scene, I spend time developing my characters’ relationships, ensuring that their connection is palpable and their desire for each other is undeniable. 

With Elijah I wanted to show you, the reader, how intense Elijah’s emotions for Lucas were. Elijah had spent years hiding away in his grandmother’s basement because of scars on his face and scalp. He truly never thought he’d meet anyone who could see who he was on the inside. When he finally did, he made himself the most vulnerable he’d ever been, showing you how much he craved Lucas’s love.

It’s a must when writing sex scenes for your characters to have sizzling chemistry. If not, what’s the point of the romance? Nobody wants to read a sex scene that is limp from the start. Trust me on this.

Building Anticipation

One of the most thrilling aspects of writing romance is building anticipation. From flirtatious banter to stolen glances, I love creating tension that keeps readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the moment when my characters finally give in to their desires.

In most of my novels, the main characters don’t do the nasty until they’ve developed feelings for each other. This usually means the sex takes place toward the end of a story, but that’s not always the case. In my upcoming novel Ignited, Finn and Alex are hitting the sheets on the high seas at the beginning of their love story. You’ll have to read the book to understand why I made that choice.

Emotional Connection

At the heart of every sex scene is emotion. Whether it’s longing, vulnerability, or pure passion, I strive to convey the depth of my characters’ feelings as they come together in intimate moments. I typically lean into vulnerability in sex scenes, where one or both of the MCs is making himself vulnerable to the other, and sharing part of himself he rarely does with anyone else.

Sensory Details

To bring my sex scenes to life, I rely on sensory details to immerse readers in the experience. The scent of a lover’s skin, the sound of their heartbeat, the taste of their kiss—each detail adds layers of richness to the scene.

Balancing Explicitness 

Finding the right balance between explicit detail and subtle suggestion is key. While I want my scenes to be steamy and sensual, I also want to leave room for readers’ imaginations to fill in the blanks. With that being said, if I don’t have to stop and take a, um, break, in the middle of writing a sex scene, then I know it’s not very good. You’ll have to guess what I usually do on that break…

Personal Touch

Of course, every writer has their own approach to crafting sex scenes, and mine is no exception. From my unique writing rituals to the inspirations that fuel my imagination, I bring my own personal touch to every scene I write.

Challenges and Rewards

 Writing sex scenes isn’t always easy, but the rewards are well worth the effort. There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of creating a scene that resonates with readers on a deep, emotional level.


So there you have it—the secrets behind my steamy scenes. I hope this glimpse into my writing process has given you a newfound appreciation for the art of crafting romance. Until next time, happy reading!

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