I Am Tessa Vidal

Embracing My Truth: Coming Out as Tessa Vidal

Dear readers,

Today, I’m sharing something deeply personal with you all, something that I’ve carried with me for quite some time but never found the courage to express openly. My name is Ian O. Lewis, and I am Tessa Vidal.

For years, I’ve been writing under the pen name Tessa Vidal, crafting stories of love, passion, and connection within the sapphic romance genre. But what many of you may not know is that I am not a woman—I am a gay man.

The decision to write under a female pseudonym was not one made lightly. In fact, it was born out of fear—fear that readers of lesbian fiction would reject my work if they knew the truth about my identity. As a member of the LGBTQ community myself, I felt a deep responsibility to contribute to the representation of queer love in literature. However, I also felt the weight of societal expectations and preconceptions about who should be telling these stories.

I want to make it unequivocally clear that I never intended to exploit readers of lesbian fiction. My decision to write under the name Tessa Vidal was driven by a desire to continue writing and producing fiction for the LGBTQ community, even if it meant doing so under a guise.

Initially, Tessa Vidal was a collaborative effort with other authors, but for the past two years, I’ve been the sole writer behind the name. It has been a journey of self-discovery and growth, and I am immensely proud of the work I’ve created as Tessa Vidal.

One of my favorite books that I’ve written under this pseudonym is “Jody, A Dark Lesbian Romance.” This novel holds a special place in my heart as it tells the tale of two women, both navigating the complexities of their lives as criminals, who find solace and love in each other’s arms.

Moving forward, I want to assure you all that I will continue to write books under both my own name, Ian O. Lewis, and Tessa Vidal. My commitment to telling stories that resonate with the LGBTQ community remains unwavering.

Thank you for your support and understanding as I embrace my truth and continue to share my words with the world. Tessa’s books are available exclusively on Amazon, and can be read for free with a Kindle Unlimited Subscription.

With love and gratitude, Ian O. Lewis (aka Tessa Vidal)

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