Beauty Within the Beast: A Timeless Tale of Transformation

Breathing New Life into Classic Tales: The Journey Behind “Making It Fierce”

When I sat down to write “Making It Fierce,” I knew I wanted to tap into the timeless magic of a story that has captivated hearts for generations: Beauty and the Beast. There’s something uniquely compelling about the transformative power of love, about two seemingly opposite individuals finding solace, strength, and passion in each other. This age-old tale served as the perfect inspiration for my novella, but with a fresh, modern twist that resonates with today’s readers.

Opposites Attract: Just like the Beast, Elijah Stevens is a character who hides from the world. Once a proud Marine, an accident left him physically and emotionally scarred. His journey is one of self-acceptance and finding the courage to step out of the shadows. Enter Lucas Crane, our modern-day Belle, whose bright spirit and unwavering curiosity set the stage for a romance that’s as healing as it is passionate.

Hurt/Comfort: A central theme in both stories is the delicate balance of hurt and comfort. Elijah’s tough exterior is a defense mechanism against a world he feels will only pity him. But Lucas, with his warmth and humor, slowly chips away at those defenses. Their love story is a testament to the healing power of genuine connection and understanding.

The Magic of Voice: Instead of enchanted roses and talking furniture, the magic in “Making It Fierce” lies in the characters’ voices. Elijah’s rich, soothing voice makes him a successful audiobook narrator, while Lucas’s engaging radio show personality draws people in. Their voices become a bridge, connecting them on a deep, emotional level long before they physically meet.

Breathing New Life into Classics: Reimagining a beloved classic like Beauty and the Beast into an LGBTQ romance was both exhilarating and challenging. The essence of the original—a love that sees beyond the surface—remains intact, but the journey and characters are crafted to reflect contemporary themes and diverse experiences. It’s a delicate dance of honoring the past while forging a path that feels fresh and relevant.

Writing “Making It Fierce” allowed me to explore the timeless themes of acceptance, transformation, and the power of love, but through a lens that speaks to today’s readers. It’s a reminder that even the oldest stories can find new life and meaning when viewed through a different perspective.

What’s Your Favorite Classic?

Now, I want to hear from you! Which classic stories do you think would make amazing LGBTQ romances? I’m always on the lookout for new inspiration and would love to hear your ideas. Email me at and share your favorite tales. Let’s breathe new life into more beloved classics together!

Making It Fierce is currently on sale to celebrate pride month for only .99! You can purchase it on Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo, Google Play, Nook, and Smashwords. Or better yet, purchase it from the Cruz Publishing bookstore where I earn a higher royalty. To learn more about me, and my new releases, sign up for my weekly newsletter and you’ll get a complimentary naughty novelette, Justin’s Penance. It’s the tale of a priest struggling to keep his vows, and the manipulative college student who makes him break them.

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