Unlock the Heat: Preview Chapter from “Ignited”

Enjoy a spicy sneak peak into Finn and Alex’s love story! To set the stage, Finn is on a “Bearacruz” in the middle of the Gulf Of Mexico. He’s met a stunning man who is going by an assumed name, Knox. (Yeah, a little mystery!) The following is chapter four, and it’s told from Finn’s POV.

“I want more than a kiss,” Knox murmured. “You are the sexiest man on this ship.”

I stepped into his arms, and a moment later, his lips crashed into mine.

Our kiss deepened while Knox’s hands roamed over my body, sending shivers down my spine. The surrounding ship seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us lost in the heat of the moment. His touch was electric, igniting a fire within me that threatened to consume everything in its path. I felt his arms tighten around me, and for a split second, I wondered if this was all just a dream. But when his hand slipped into my pants and he gripped my ass, I knew it was real.

Knox broke the kiss, and I gasped for air. My cock was painfully hard, and I pressed it against his, and felt his thick shaft through his slacks.

“I’ve never done this before,” Knox breathed. “I mean, normally I prefer to get to know a guy better first. But I feel like this is right.”

“We’ve only got a few days together here on the ship.” I locked my gaze with his, and at that very moment, the light of the moon hit his face in just the right way. It was as if he’d transformed into a smoldering silent film star, with his hair slicked back and gleaming, and every angle of his face sharpened. “Let’s make the most of it, Knox. Because I want as much of you as I can get before it all ends.”

As Knox’s lips crashed into mine once again, I moaned, loving the rough feel of his beard against my skin. It was a sensation I couldn’t get enough of, and I never wanted this night to end.

But suddenly, a loud wolf whistle pierced through the air, causing me to jump and step away from Knox. Heat surged up my cheeks as I caught sight of a group of burly men leering at us from across the deck.

“Christ! This is way better than porn,” one remarked crudely while gripping his crotch.

The man next to him chimed in with a lascivious grin.”Bet the bearded hunk’s gotta huge cock.”

Knox sensed my discomfort and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder before casting those dudes an icy stare. “Let’s find some privacy…my cabin?” His voice was low and seductive, making promises that his eyes echoed with equal fervor.

“Yes, please,” I murmured, then took his hand. “You know, normally I’d think it was kind of hot doing it in front of a bunch of strangers, but…”

“I’m selfish,” Knox interrupted, then as he led me away, he mumbled, “I don’t like to share.”

When we got to the elevators, I reached for the down button, but Knox hit the up button first.

“My suite is on the upper deck,” He murmured, and I realized he was still holding my hand. When the elevator doors opened, a group of drunk guys in skimpy swimsuits tumbled out, their intoxicated laughter echoing around us. We stepped inside, and as soon as the doors shut, the heat between us ignited. He pressed me against the cold steel wall, trapping me within the cage of his muscular arms.

Knox leaned down, his hot breath fanning across my face as he paused for a moment that lingered with delicious tension. His intense blue eyes locked onto mine, heavy with desire.

“God, I’ve never wanted anyone like this before,” he whispered, then he claimed my lips in a searing kiss that left no room for resistance. His mouth moved against mine with determined accuracy, each stroke of his tongue sending waves of desire pooling in my lower belly. There was nothing gentle in this kiss – it was raw and passionate, filled with pent-up lust and a simmering need that matched my own.

I heard a bell, then the doors opened and a drunk guy staggered onto the elevator. Knox and I stepped away from each other, and the drunk guy asked, “Did I interrupt something?”

Neither of us replied, and the man pushed three different floor buttons and leaned against the metal wall. “Which deck is the mixer on?”

Knox pushed the button for the main deck and glared at the guy. “Main deck, but are you sure you need anymore to drink?”

Drunk dude’s smile flatlined. “Sorry, but I…”

Knox held his hand up, and a moment later, the doors opened. He took my hand, and we got off, then he led me down a hallway. There were only four doors, which I thought was weird since the deck my cabin was on had many more than that. Upon reaching his door, he opened it, and upon entering, I was taken aback by the spaciousness of the room. Damn, this dude must’ve won the lottery or something, because you could fit at least ten of my cabin in just the living area.

“Wow, your suite is enormous,” I slowly turned around, taking it all in.

Knox chuckled, his deep voice vibrating through my body. “No one’s complimented me on the size of my suite before.”

My cheeks flushed as I realized how that could be interpreted. “Oh God, no, I meant the suite is big, not…”

He cut me off with another laugh. “Relax, Finn. I was just messing with you.”

I exhaled in relief and took a better look around the room. The living area had elegant decorations, including a plush white couch and chairs, a polished wood coffee table, and a large flat-screen TV mounted on the wall. The windows were floor-to-ceiling, offering a breathtaking view of the ocean.

“You have your own balcony, too?” I asked in awe.

“Yep,” Knox replied with a smirk. “Just wait till you see the rest of the place.”

He led me through a door to what appeared to be his bedroom. It was just as luxurious as the living area, with a king-sized bed draped in silky white sheets and fluffy pillows. A chandelier hung from the ceiling above it, giving off soft light.

“My goodness,” I breathed out.

Knox chuckled and stepped closer to me. “You can say that again.”

I rolled my eyes playfully and turned to explore the room further. There was another door that led to an en-suite bathroom, which was just as extravagant as everything else. Marble tiled floors, golden fixtures, and a massive bathtub caught my attention immediately.

“This is insane,” I said as I walked over to run my hand along the edge of the tub.

Knox wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck. I leaned back into him and sighed. This whole situation still felt unreal to me—being on this cruise with someone like Knox, who seemed so out of my league.

“Let’s get naked and wet,” Knox whispered in my ear, and he reached around me and squeezed my erection through my pants. Then he backed away, so I turned around and saw him turn on the faucets in the bathtub. “Do you like champagne?” Knox cocked an eyebrow, waiting for my response. “I ordered some before I left to meet you. It should be ice cold by now.”

Jesus, champagne? Had I died and gone to a gay billionaire heaven?

“Normally I’m a beer kind of guy, but yeah, a little bubbly would be great.”

Knox put his hand under the running water, adjusted the temperature, then got to his feet. “Get in. I’ll be back in a minute.”

As I undressed and slipped into the warm water, my mind raced. Knox was so out of my league it was unreal, and I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. My heart pounded with desire as I squeezed my hard cock, thinking about what we were about to do, and all the nasty ways we could do it.

But I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by Knox’s extravagant lifestyle. The thought crossed my mind that maybe I didn’t belong here, that I wasn’t good enough for him. But I pushed those thoughts aside as Knox walked into the bathroom completely nude, carrying an ornate champagne bucket and two glasses.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of him as he poured us each a glass of champagne and got into the tub with me. His muscular body glistened under the soft light and his dark hair was no longer slicked back. Now it was perfectly mussy, and I realized his hair had a natural wave to it. He handed me a glass and raised his own in a toast.

“To being naked and wet,” he said with a devilish grin.

I clinked my glass against his.. Jesus, this entire experience felt like something out of a dream -too perfect to be real.

Knox leaned in closer to me, his chest almost touching mine as he took a sip of champagne. The bubbles tickled my nose as they went down, and I couldn’t resist reaching out to touch Knox’s smooth skin.

“You’re stunning,” I blurted out before even realizing what I was saying.

Knox bit his lower lip and set his glass down on the edge of the tub before taking mine from me as well. “As are you,” he whispered, leaning in for a kiss.

Knox’s lips were soft yet forceful against mine, and desire coursed through my body. My hands roamed all over his hard chest, feeling the definition of his muscles under the water. It was like touching a living, breathing work of art.

I pulled away from the kiss, needing to catch my breath and take in the sight in front of me. Intricate tattoos covered Knox’s pecs, seeming to tell a story. I traced my fingertips over them, mesmerized by their beauty.

“You’re so sexy,” I blurted out, unable to contain my admiration any longer.

Knox’s eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and desire as he pulled me back into another intense kiss. Our bodies pressed against each other in the warm water, creating electric friction between us.

As we continued to kiss, our hands explored every inch of each other’s bodies. Then, with a splash, Knox flipped me in the water so I was covering his body with mine. My cock pressed against his girth, and suddenly I couldn’t breathe, because all I wanted was to taste him. I finally broke the kiss to catch my breath again, resting my forehead against Knox’s.

“Damn,” I whispered, feeling overwhelmed by everything that was happening between us. Never before in my life had I felt such intense lust for anyone. It was like Knox had cast a spell over me, forcing me to crave his touch, his words, his everything.

Knox combed his fingers through my wet hair. “You’re incredible,” he murmured, “and now I want more.” He placed his hands on my waist and physically turned me over again, then he scooted back and pulled me against him. I felt his hard cock against my lower back, throbbing, and one of his hands wrapped around my shaft.

“Oh my God,” I breathed, my eyes snapping shut. He squeezed it, then he slowly moved his fist up and down. “Am I dead? This can’t be real.”

“It’s real, baby,” Knox whispered, and I felt his lips on the back of my neck. “At least it better be, because there’s nowhere else I want to be than right here with you.”

Knox’s hand stroked up and down my shaft, sending waves of pleasure through my body. His lips were on my neck, whispering dirty words that made me squirm against him.

“You like that, baby?” Knox asked, his voice low and husky. “You like how I touch you?”

I could barely form coherent words as his hand continued to work me towards the edge. All I could do was nod and whimper in response.

“Tell me what you want,” he demanded, his breath hot against my skin. “You’re my slut, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Knox, I’m your fucking slut, and I’ll do anything you want.” My voice trembled, and I felt my cock grow even harder.

“You want, no baby, you fucking need my cock inside you.” Knox’s hand moved faster on my shaft. “When I make you come, and trust me, it will be more than once, you’ll scream my name. Now tell me what you truly desire, Finn.”

“I… I want to come,” I gasped.

Knox chuckled darkly. “Oh, you’ll come alright. But not yet.”

Before I could protest, Knox released his grip on me, and I groaned in frustration.

“Please,” I pleaded, arching my back towards him. “I’m a whore for you, Knox. Please, I…”

“Don’t worry, baby,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the nape of my neck. “We’re just getting started.”

🔥 Don’t miss out on the sizzling romance and intense emotions of Ignited! Be among the first to experience the passion and drama of the Burning Hearts series by preordering your copy today from your favorite online retailer. Click here to reserve your copy.

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